Welcome to Jamia Rizwia Zia Ul Uloom

Jamia Rizwia Zia-ul-Uloom is one of the world’s leading institutes of traditional Islamic education. This great institute is a blend of several sacred religious institutions spread over hybrid locations in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Its branches are also established in different countries around the world including South Africa, United Kingdom and Malaysia. It is not only confined to men’s education but has also been equally extended to women. This institution is playing a vital role in the building of human character from both moral and spiritual perspective, regardless of their gender.

In the sacred night of Shab-e-Barat, on 15 Shahban-ul-Moazzam 1383 Hijree (January 1, 1964) the Jamia Mosque of Sabzi Mandi, Rawalpindi became the center of blessings and divine pleasure... continue reading

اعلان داخلہ
جامعہ رضویہ ضیاءالعلوم راولپنڈی اور اس کے زیلی اداروں میں داخلہ جات کے ٹیسٹ و انٹرویو 14اور15 مئ کو ہوں گے
حفظ القرآن اور تجوید وقرات:14 مئ بروز ہفتہ صبح 8 بجے
درس نظامی و عالمہ فاضلہ:15 مئ بروز اتوار صبح 8 بجے
طلبہ کے ٹیسٹ و انٹرویو: جامعہ رضویہ ضیاءالعلوم ڈی بلاک سیٹلائٹ ٹاؤن راولپنڈی
طالبات کے جامعہ آمنہ ضیاءالبنات ھمک ماڈل ٹاؤن اسلام آباد میں ہوں گے بوقت انٹرویو تعلیمی اسنادو سرٹیفکیٹ ہمراہ لائیں
رابطہ نمبرز
ڈی بلاک سیٹلائٹ ٹاؤن:051-4450404
ھمک ماڈل ٹاؤن اسلام آباد:4490404-051
6مئ 2022ء
حافظ محمد اسحاق ظفر(ناظم تعلیمات)
0333-5113 548



D - Block Satellite Town, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Phone: (92) 51 445-0404
Fax: (92) 51 458-0404
Website: http://ziaululoom.net
Email: info@ziaululoom.net

About Jamia Rizwia

Jamia Rizwia Zia-ul-Uloom is one of the world’s leading institutes of traditional Islamic education. The light of knowledge emanating from Zia-ul-Uloom is not just limited to Pakistan but is spread around the world – including Holland, Germany, England and South Africa etc – in the form of its graduate scholars who are following in its footsteps by spreading traditional Islamic education.