Departments and Achievements


There are two types of departments in Jamia:
1.Educational Departments
2.Manegarial Departments

Educational Departments

  • Department of Hifz-o-Nazira
  • Department of Tajweed-o-Qira’ah
  • Department of Dars-e-Nizami(From 1st to 7th Years)
  • Department of Daura-e-Hadith and Tafseer-ul-Quran
  • Department of Modern Education
  • Department of Dar-ul-Iftaa
  • Department of Research and Creation
  • Department of Dawat-o-Irshad
  • Department of Examination
  • Managerial Departments

    • Internal Affairs Section
    • Admission Section
    • Facilitator Section
    • Transport section
    • Food Facilitator Section
    • External Affairs Section
    • Library


Participation in the establishment of Tanzeem-ul-Madaris:

There is a big role of founders and participants of Jamia Rizwia Zia-ul-Uloom in the reorganization of Tanzeem-ul-Madaris. In the beginning Head Office of Tanzeem-ul-Madaris for Punjab, N.W.F.P and Azad Kashmir was established in Jamia. Director of Jamia Syed Hasin-ud Din Shah Sahib visited these provinces as a member of Tanzeem-ul-Madaris for the affiliation of Madaris to Tanzeem-ul-Madaris.

Foundation of Different Madaris:

As the time passes Zia-ul-Uloom enlighten different Madaris. Now there are hundreds of Madaris in Pakistan who are enlighten from Zia-ul-Uloom, where the Farig-ul-Tahseel Ulama of Jamia are serving the mankind.

Foundation of Madaris Outside the Country:

The light of knowledge spread by Zia-ul-Uloom is not only bound in Pakistan but there are several countries where Farig-ul-Tahseel Ullamas of Jamia are working for the thrivingness and excellence of Islam. Those countries include Holland, Germany, England and South Africa etc.
Religious and National Renderings:
The boundaries of religious and national renderings by Jamia are very broad. Some of them are:-

  • Great participation in Khatm-e- Nabuvat Movement.
  • Providing solutions of workers comp attorney anaheim problems at the governmental level.
  • Arrangement of Ulama and Masha’ikh Conference at the governmental level and participate in it.
  • And also there are hundreds of governmental, non governmental and semi governmental Mosques where the students of Jamia are working as Khateeb, Naib Khateeb, Mohazin and Imam.



D - Block Satellite Town, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Phone: (92) 51 445-0404
Fax: (92) 51 458-0404

About Jamia Rizwia

Jamia Rizwia Zia-ul-Uloom is one of the world’s leading institutes of traditional Islamic education. The light of knowledge emanating from Zia-ul-Uloom is not just limited to Pakistan but is spread around the world – including Holland, Germany, England and South Africa etc – in the form of its graduate scholars who are following in its footsteps by spreading traditional Islamic education.